About UsEnvironmental Data Solutions focuses efforts on providing environmental professionals with ready access to information required to make informed decisions. We have included data to aid the full spectrum of environmental managers. Review constituent data for chemicals listed on product Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to determine their impact. The RCRA Data Source enables users to identify products with regulated chemicals and helps facilitate source reduction and pollution prevention initiatives. As an added benefit the RCRA Data Source offers links to NIOSH information to address issues across the entire Environmental Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) spectrum. Ozone Depleting Substances and EPCRA reportable chemicals are also clearly identified. Proper hazardous waste management and providing data for accurate solid waste characterization remain the primary function of the RCRA Data Source. Managers can spend countless hours researching the regulations to identify constituent requirements applicable to Characteristic Waste, Listed Waste, Underlying Hazardous Constituents, Universal Treatment Standards, and Land Disposal Restrictions. The RCRA Data Source consolidates these regulatory elements and concisely presents them to users for their consideration. Manufacturers often use chemical synonyms when listing chemical constituents on their MSDS. In order to prevent mischaracterization of regulated chemical synonyms, users may also use the CAS and Chemical Synonym search page to identify the primary CAS and chemical name for common synonyms. We are continually reviewing additional data elements for inclusion. Our goal is to provide customers with all relevant data to meet their various compliance needs. |